How to Ace a Video Interview: Our Top Tips for Success

    Vid interview

    In today’s digital age, video interviews have become increasingly common. Whether it is for a remote role or for the initial screening stage, acing a video call interview is crucial to making a strong impression on potential employers. While the format is different to a traditional face-to-face interview, the principles of preparation, professionalism and confidence remain. Furthermore, it is a great chance to prove some computer skills!

    In this blog post, we will cover some essential tips to help you shine in any video interview.

    1. Test Your Tech and Set Up Your Space

    Before the interview date, ensure you have all the necessary technology in place. This includes a reliable computer, high-quality webcam, a clear microphone, and stable internet connection. Familiarise yourself with the video call platform chosen by the interviewer and ensure any links sent to you work. Test your equipment with a Zoom, Teams, FaceTime, or Skype call to a friend! This will give you plenty of time to address any issues and avoid scrambling on the day. Set up your interview space in a quiet, well-lit room, with a clutter-free background. Ensure you have good lighting and position your camera at eye level.

    2. Dress Appropriately

    Even though your interview is not in-person, dressing professionally is a must! Choose attire that is appropriate for the role you’re applying for and that matches the company’s culture. This will show you’ve done your research and understand the vibe. Solid colours work best on camera, and you should aim to avoid distracting accessories. Dressing appropriately shows your respect for the interview and helps boost your confidence.

    3. Prepare Thoroughly

    As with any interview, preparation is essential. Research the company, its values, culture, and recent news. Understand the job description and be ready to discuss your CV. Be prepared to talk about your qualifications and experiences and how they align with the role.

    4. Practice Your Video Presence

    Being on camera can feel different to being in-person, so practice is crucial. Record yourself answering common interview questions and review the footage. Pay attention to your body language, facial expressions, and tones of voice. Practice maintaining good eye contact with the camera, so you can replicate this in the interview.

    5. Minimise Distractions

    Inform your family or roommates of the interview time, to avoid any distractions and keep your phone on silent. Close any unnecessary browser tabs or applications to minimise the risk of notifications or pop-ups during the call.

    6. Prepare Relevant Questions

    At the end of your interview, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions. Preparing a few will demonstrate your genuine interest in the role and the company. Focus on topics like team dynamics, company culture, and the company’s future goals.

    7. Maintain Professionalism

    Address the interviewer by their name, speak clearly, and be polite and courteous. If technical issues arise, handle them calmly and professionally. It’s essential to convey that you can adapt to unexpected challenges.

    8. Follow Up

    After the interview is complete, send your interviewer an email to express your gratitude for the opportunity to interview. Use this email as an opportunity to briefly reinforce your qualifications and enthusiasm for the role.

    By following these tips, you can confidently navigate the world of video interviews and increase the chances of you landing your dream job. Remember, practice makes perfect, so hone your video interview skills to stand out in today’s competitive job market. Good luck and don’t forget to contact if you are interested in interviewing for any of our roles!